Rockestra ticket sales go live on ShowsHappening



Rocketra's artistic director Paul Borg Bonaci and the musical director Sigmund Mifsud gave details of Rockestra 2021 that will return with a performance by the Malta Philarmonic Orchestra and various other local artists.

During the press conference which took place at The Verdala Palace, the directors expressed excitement about the return of Rockestra, an event which does not only important from the entertainment aspect but also because the event also supports the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation. For the first time, due to COVID the event will be held sitting down.

Also present for the launch of Rockestra was the Minister or Culture, José Herrera and the opposition prepresentative Karl Gouder. Both politicians wished the event well.

The President of Malta, George Vella also pointed out that one great thing about the concert is that it brings Maltese and Gozitans together with music, The President also thanked Paul Borg Bonaci and Sigmung Mifsuf for their work associated with Rockestra as well as all workers, volunteers and artists involved.

Tickets for Rocketra can be bought from ShowsHappening here: For the first week you can take advantage of a special offer whereby you buy 4 tickets and get another 2 free! Everyone that attends needs to have a vaccine cert, apart from children under the age of 12 who are accompanied by an adult.

Id-direttur artistiku ta’ Rockestra Paul Borg Bonaci u d-direttur mużikali ta’ Rockestra Sigmund Mifsud taw id-dettalji ta’ Rockestra 2021, li se tirritorna bi spettaklu mill-Orkestra Filarmonika Nazzjonali u bosta artisti lokali.

Meta indirizzaw il-konferenza tal-aħbarijiet li saret fil-Palazz tal-Verdala, huma esprimew sodisfazzjon għar-ritorn ta’ Rockestra, avveniment li mhux biss huwa importanti mill-aspett ta’ divertiment iżda li wkoll iħalli impatt pożittiv fl-għajnuna meħtieġa b’risq The Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation. Spjegaw kif, għall-ewwel darba, Rockestra ta’ din is-sena se jkun qed isir b’udjenza bilqiegħda. 

Preżenti wkoll għat-tnedija ta’ Rockestra kien hemm il-Ministru għall-Wirt Nazzjonali, l-Arti u l-Gvern Lokali José Herrera u l-Kelliem tal-Oppożizzjoni għall-Kultura Karl Gouder, li awguraw li, bħas-snin ta’ qabel, Rockestra fir-ritorn tagħha terġa’ tkun waħda ta’ suċċess. 

Il-President George Vella qal kif wieħed mill-iskopijiet ewlenin huwa li dan l-avveniment jgħaqqad lill-poplu Malti u Għawdxi permezz tal-mużika. Huwa rringrazzja b’mod speċjali lil Paul Borg Bonaci u Sigmund Mifsud għall-ħidma sfiqa tagħhom b’rabta ma’ Rockestra, kif ukoll lill-voluntiera u l-artisti kollha involuti.

Il-biljetti għal Rockestra 2021 bdew jinbiegħu mill-Erbgħa, 3 ta’ Novembru, u jistgħu jinxtraw minn Għall-ewwel ġimgħa mit-tħabbira ta’ dan l-avveniment, wieħed jista’ jikseb erba’ biljetti u jingħata tnejn oħra bla ħlas. Kull min jattendi għal Rockestra jrid jippreżenta ċ-ċertifikat tal-vaċċin. 

Stefan Debattista


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