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Mosaïc is an ensemble of 6 musicians from Bulgaria, France, Portugal, and Tunisia. The sextet traces the contours of the Mediterranean to offer a musical language that is varied and sophisticated, blending the Balkan melodic silhouette and ornaments, the chamber colour of European music, and the rhythmic essence of North Africa.

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Ticket sales finished!

Ticket sales for Mosaïc Ensemble unfortunately have now finished! The last day of this event was on Saturday 16-Mar-2024. Ticket sales ended at Saturday 16-Mar-2024 20:00.


Mosaïc is an ensemble of 6 musicians from Bulgaria, France, Portugal, and Tunisia. Georgi Dobrev (Kaval), Noé Clerc (accordion), Adèle Viret (cello), Zé Almeida (double bass), Diogo Alexandre (drums), and Hamsi Jamoussi (percussions) consider their compositions as spaces of musical encounters at the crossroads of jazz and Mediterranean music. The sextet traces the contours of the Mediterranean to offer a musical language that is varied and sophisticated, blending the Balkan melodic silhouette and ornaments, the chamber colour of European music, and the rhythmic essence of North Africa. 

The collective and oral compositions find their subtlety in the detail of each voice, making the oral creation a new space for orchestration. The ensemble create original compositions during extended residencies where their music becomes enriched and refined, carrying the inspiration of the different places of travels and encounters.

Join us for an enchanting evening with the Mosaïc Ensemble, where jazz meets the Mediterranean. This unique sextet brings together diverse musical traditions, offering a rich, sophisticated sound that traverses musical cultures across Mediterranean regions. Prepare for a musical journey like no other.