Nancy minn dejjem tħossha aħjar minn ħaddiehor u tipprova tagħti l-impressjoni li hi ta’ klassi għolja. Ir-raġel tagħha, William, ftit li xejn kellu pretenzjonijiet u kien aktar moħħu fit-tradizzjonijiet milli fix-xinxilli. It-tifel tagħhom, Tyrone, kien jagħli għax jisbaħ.
Minimum Age
All Ages
Ticket sales finished!
Ticket sales for Party Ta' Klassi unfortunately have now finished! The last day of this event was on Monday 12-Dec-2022. Ticket sales ended at Monday 12-Dec-2022 20:00.
Il-Kunsill Lokali tal-Birgu u s-Sezzjoni Żgħażagħ Palmiżi Birgu jistednukom għal
PARTY TA’ KLASSI - Kummiedja tal-Milied
kitba ta’ Bryan Muscat u direzzjoni ta’ David Rizzo
Nhar il-Ħadd 11 ta' Diċembru - 7:00PM
Nhar it-Tnejn 12 ta' Diċembru - 8:00PM
Post : Main Hall Vittoriosa
Nancy minn dejjem tħossha aħjar minn ħaddiehor u tipprova tagħti l-impressjoni li hi ta’ klassi għolja. Ir-raġel tagħha, William, ftit li xejn kellu pretenzjonijiet u kien aktar moħħu fit-tradizzjonijiet milli fix-xinxilli. It-tifel tagħhom, Tyrone, kien jagħli għax jisbaħ.
William kien kuntent bil-ħanut ċkejken li kellu, biss martu dejjem riditu aħjar u webblitu jiftaħ negozju akbar. Għal dan il-għan kellhom bżonn il-flus. Nancy ħasbet biex tagħmel festin f’lejlet il-Milied u tistieden nies ta’ ċerta klassi, fosthom bankiera, biex jikkonvinċuhom kemm huma tal-affari tagħhom. B’hekk, ikabbru ċ-ċans li jiksbu self tajjeb.
Wara ħafna preparamenti, wasal il-mument tal-festin imma l-ħmerijiet bdew ifaqqsu waħda wara oħra.
Din il-kummiedja qed tittella’ bl-għajnuna ta’ Asound, A.E. Logistics Ltd u Servizzi Ewropej Malta. Il-proġett huwa parti mill-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà, kofinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea.
The Birgu Local Council together with the SŻP Birgu invites you to
"PARTY TA’ KLASSI" - Christmas Comedy - Written by Bryan Muscat and directed by David Rizzo.
If you would like to find out how the party unravels, join us on:
Sunday 11th – 7PM
Monday 12th – 8PM
Nancy always felt superior to others and always tried to give the impression that she belonged to high society. Her husband William hardly had any pretensions and was more interested in traditions than on superficial issues. Their son Tyrone was a layabout. William was happy with the small shop he had, but Nancy always wanted him to improve, and now she tempted him into opening a bigger business, but of course they needed money. Nancy came up with the idea of having a party on Christmas Eve and invite people of a certain class, maybe to convince some bankers that they are honest people to take a good loan for this business...
After many preparations and lengthy lists of what needs to be done, party time has arrived, and mishaps started to appear one after the other.
This Comedy is being staged with the help of A-Sound, A.E. Logistics and European Services Malta.
This Project is part of the European Solidarity Corps, Co-funded by the European Union.