
Valletta Campus Theatre VCT (Ex MITP), St. Christopher's Street, Valletta, Malta View map

Moveo is proud to present a Double Bill - Anuman by Klevis Elmazaj(Albania) and OnLook(IN)g by Otis Carr (UK) Friday's performance features solo guest artist Helen Taddie Lawson from ArtMov Age: 5+

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Ticket sales finished!

Ticket sales for Moveo Double Bill unfortunately have now finished! The last day of this event was on Sunday 18-Sep-2022. Ticket sales ended at Sunday 18-Sep-2022 19:00.


Moveo launches its new season with an evening of dance featuring two new works by guest choreographers Kelvis Elmazaj, and Otis Carr, both with strong international artistic backgrounds. Friday 16th February, Moveo also presents ArtMouv as a guest company offering a more diverse evening.