
Pjazza Teatru Rjal, Valletta, Malta View map

Frida - A dance theatre performance highlighting the world famous artists life and tragedies. Performed to original music composed by Albert Garzia and choreographed by Diane Portelli, this performance is a spectacular tribute to a woman and true historical icon.

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Ticket sales finished!

Ticket sales for Frida - My two Accidents Moveo Dance Company unfortunately have now finished! The last day of this event was on Sunday 11-Jun-2023. Ticket sales ended at Sunday 11-Jun-2023 22:00.



"There have been two great accidents in my life. One was the trolley, and the other was Diego. Diego was by far the worst.”

- Frida Kahlo

Frida is synonymously famous for her provoking art, however this performance focuses more on the duality between the fragility of her body and her strength of character and will. Frida was fiery, with a passion for her Mexican roots; even wanting to be called a 'child of the revolution'. She was a woman who survived a terrible accident which broke her body, suffered the pain and loss of multiple miscarriages but most of all felt the heartbreak of disloyalty by her beloved Diego; even with her own sister. Through all of this, painting was her solace. She painted her gruesome reality, and these paintings are the legacy of what could be considered one of the most ground-breaking women of her time.