A visit to Frank Portelli's Archives and a public lecture, forming part of the programme for the project ‘Frank u Jien’ (Frank and I), which celebrates the life and work of modern art pioneer Frank Portelli.
Ticket sales finished!
Ticket sales for Frank u Jien - RESEARCHING, ARCHIVING, CURATING AN ARTIST. unfortunately have now finished! The last day of this event was on Tuesday 20-Feb-2024. Ticket sales ended at Tuesday 20-Feb-2024 18:00.
(Maltese version below) As part of the programme for the project ‘Frank u Jien’ (Frank and I), which celebrates the life and work of modern art pioneer Frank Portelli, an archive visit and lecture are being offered to the general public. Both events are curated by Andrew Borg Wirth, in a way that complements the performative piece written by Maria Theuma and directed by Becky Camilleri, giving audiences a deeper insight into Portelli and a closer look at the process of ‘Frank u Jien’. The events showcase the bedrock of the project, namely the 2011 dissertation by Isabelle Elizabeth Borg, titled ‘Frank Portelli (1922-2004): His Works, a Critical Analysis’, as well as the more recent research into the private archive by Natalie Formosa. Both events are free, upon registration. Please note that the archive visit is limited to the first 20 registered attendees while the lecture is limited to the first 30 registered attendees. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Limit: 20 registrations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*please read till the end for full details of both events.
ARCHIVE VISIT – Sunday, 18th February 2024 at 11:00, Frank Portelli Archives, Attard.
Frank Portelli Archives – Experiencing fragments from the studio-turned-archive of a modernist pioneer.
Join us for a visit to the Frank Portelli Archives and get a glimpse of Portelli’s world, discovering fragments of his personal archive, within his own home, which he himself designed—his ultimate artefact.
This 45-minute tour will be led by the project’s archivist Natalie Formosa (MA in Archives and Records Management) and art historian and researcher Isabelle Elizabeth Borg (MA in History of Art) who will not only be showcasing contents from the archives but also sharing the research process behind ‘Frank u Jien’.
Language: English
LECTURE – Tuesday, 20th February at 19:00, Casino Maltese, Valletta.
Archives and How They Live – Sharing perspectives from the different yet similar worlds of archiving, researching and curating.
This event will feature short interventions by art historians Francesca Balzan and Isabelle Elizabeth Borg, who will be joined by curator Andrew Borg Wirth. Through the separate experiences of each speaker, the discussion will delve into the diverse ways that archives may come to life and explore the shared worlds of art historical research and archiving as well as the exciting potential they have within contemporary discourse.
Francesca Balzan is an art historian who has worked extensively as a curator and has studied and worked within numerous archives in her career.
Isabelle Elizabeth Borg is an art historian who was one of the first to study Frank Portelli’s studio-archive and whose four-year long research into Frank Portelli’s life and works was the starting point of the project ‘Frank u Jien’.
Andrew Borg Wirth is the curator of ‘Frank u Jien’ and has brought together the diverse team of contemporary artists to create this new interdisciplinary work for audiences.
Language: English
Limit: 30 registrations
This event is being organised in collaboration with Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti.
>> A free tour of ‘In Search of Line’, an exhibition by Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti at Victor Pasmore Gallery, will be offered prior to the lecture. Please be sure to select the correct ticket type, if you would like to attend the tour. <<
The bar at Casino Maltese will be opened for patrons after the lecture.
18:00–18:30: Free tour of ‘In Search of Line’ exhibition by Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti at Victor Pasmore Gallery, Valletta.
18:30: Doors open.
19:00–19:50: Lecture: Archives and How They Live.
19:50–20:30: Drinks at the Casino Maltese bar.
Bħala parti mill-programm għall-proġett 'Frank u Jien’, li jiċċelebra l-ħajja u l-ħidma tal-pijunier tal-arti moderna Frank Portelli, qed jiġu offruti żjara fl-arkivju u lecture lill-pubbliku ġenerali.
Iż-żewġ avvenimenti jagħmlu parti mill-ħidma kuratorjali ta’ Andrew Borg Wirth, b’mod li jikkumplimentaw ix-xogħol performattiv miktub minn Maria Theuma u mtella’ skont id-direzzjoni ta’ Becky Camilleri, u se joffru lill-udjenzi taħrig profond dwar Frank Portelli u ħarsa aktar mill-qrib lejn il-proċess ta’ ‘Frank u Jien’.
L-avvenimenti se jagħtu ħarsa lejn is-sisien tal-proġett, jiġifieri t-teżi tal-2011 ta’ Isabelle Elizabeth Borg, li ġġib it-titlu ‘Frank Portelli (1922-2004): His Works, a Critical Analysis’, kif ukoll ir-riċerka arkivjali aktar riċenti ta’ Natalie Formosa.
Iż-żewġ avvenimenti se jkunu b'xejn, iżda jirrekjedu reġistrar min-naħa ta’ min jixtieq jattendi. Iż-żjara fl-arkivju hija limitata għall-ewwel 20 reġistrant filwaqt li l-lecture hija limitata għall-ewwel 30 reġistrant.
ŻJARA FL-ARKIVJU – Il-Ħadd, 18 ta’ Frar, 2024 fil-11:00, Frank Portelli Archives, Ħ’Attard.
Frank Portelli Archives – Stedina biex tesploraw l-istudjo-arkivju tal-pijunier modernist.
Ingħaqdu magħna għal żjara fil-Frank Portelli Archives u esperjenzaw id-dinja ta’ Portelli, billi tiskopru frammenti mill-arkivju personali tiegħu, f’daru—dar li kienet iddisinjata minnu stess.
Dan it-tour ta’ 45 minuta se jitmexxa mill-arkivista tal-proġett Natalie Formosa (MA in Archives and Records Management) u l-istorika tal-arti u r-riċkeratriċi Isabelle Elizabeth Borg (MA in History of Art).
Lingwa: Ingliż
Limitu: 20
LECTURE – It-Tlieta, 20 ta’ Frar 2024 fis-19:00, Casino Maltese, Valletta.
Archives and How They Live (L-Arkivji u l-Ħajjiet tagħhom) – Diskussjoni dwar perspettivi diversi li jżewwġu d-dinja tal-arkivjar mal-ħidma kuratorjali.
Dan l-avveniment se jinkludi interventi qosra mill-istoriċi tal-arti Francesca Balzan u Isabelle Elizabeth Borg, li magħhom se jingħaqad il-kuratur Andrew Borg Wirth. Kull kelliem se jaqsam l-esperjenza tiegħu f’xogħolu biex b’hekk tinħoloq konverżazzjoni, minn lenti kontemporanja, dwar il-modi diversi li l-arkivji jistgħu jieħdu l-ħajja u dwar id-dinjiet kondiviżi tar-riċerka u l-arkivjar fl-ambitu tal-istorja tal-arti.
Francesca Balzan hija storika tal-arti li ħadmet b’mod estensiv bħala kuratur u ħadmet f’bosta arkivji fil-karriera tagħha.
Isabelle Elizabeth Borg hija storika tal-arti li kienet minn tal-ewwel li studjat l-istudjo-arkivju ta’ Frank Portelli. Ir-riċerka tagħha dwar il-ħajja u x-xogħlijiet ta’ Portelli kienet il-punt tat-tluq tal-proġett ‘Frank u Jien’.
Andrew Borg Wirth huwa l-kuratur ta’ ‘Frank u Jien’, u ġabar flimkien tim divers ta’ artisti kontemporanji biex joħloq dan ix-xogħol interdixxiplinarju ġdid għall-udjenzi.
Lingwa: Ingliż
Limitu: 30
Dan l-avveniment qed jiġi organizzat bil-kollaborazzjoni ta’ Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti.
>> Tour b’xejn ta’ ‘In Search of Line’, wirja mill-Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti fil-Victor Pasmore Gallery, se tkun offruta qabel il-lecture. <<
Il-bar tal-Casino Maltese se jinfetaħ għall-patruni wara t-taħdita.
18:00–18:30: Tour b’xejn ta’ ‘In Search of Line’, wirja mill-Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti fil-Victor Pasmore Gallery, Valletta.
18:30: Jinfetħu l-bibien.
19:00–19:50: Lecture: Archives and How They Live.
19:50–20:30: Jinfetaħ il-bar tal-Casino Maltese.