General Notice / Avviz Generali
1. Processing of Personal Data by Arts Council Malta: / Processar tad-Data Personali mill-Kunsill Malti ghall-Arti:
1.1. Booking for the event requires the following mandatory fields: Title; Name & Surname; Country; E-Mail Address. / Biex tibbukkja ghal din l-attività tehtieg li timla din id-data obbligatorja: Titlu, Isem u Kunjom, Pajjiz, Indirizz Elettroniku.
1.2. This information is collected and used in accordance with Arts Council Malta’s Privacy Policy, Data Protection Policy, and the Government of Malta’s Privacy Policy. / Din l-informazzjoni qed tingabar u tintuza skont il-Politika ta’ Privatezza tal-Kunsill Malti ghall-Arti, il-Politika dwar il-Protezzjoni tad-Data, u l-Politika ta’ Privatezza tal-Gvern ta’ Malta.
1.3. The host may record and/or photograph events for live streaming online or repurposing in digital (e.g. on our website; Social Media; or paper format). This will be for the purpose of promoting services and providing resources. The host maintains copyright and any other intellectual property in photographs taken and/or in digitised recordings belonging to the host. / L-ospitant jista’ jirrekordja u/jew jiehu ritratti tal-attivitajiet ghal skopijiet ta’ streaming live jew addattament digitali (bhal perezempju ghal fuq is-sit u l-midja socjali taghna; jew fuq karta). L-intenzjoni ta’ dan hija li nippromwovu s-servizzi taghna u nipprovdu rizorsi. L-ospitant izomm id-drittijiet tal-awtur u kwalunkwe proprjetà intellettwali ohra tar-ritratti mehuda u/jew fir-rikordings digitali li jappartjenu ghall-ospitant.
1.4. In return for access to the conference, you consent to any such filming, photography and/or live streaming and to the host in reproducing and publishing your words and/or likeness in any transcript of or publication relating to the event and/or for the purposes of publicising the services of the host and its partners. / Bhala kumpens ghall-access ghall-konferenza, inti taghti kunsens ghal kwalunkwe filming, fotografija u/jew streaming live msemmija kif ukoll taghti kunsens lill-ospitant biex jirriproduci u jippubblika kliemek u/jew xebh f’kwalunkwe traskrizzjoni jew pubblikazzjoni relatata mal-attività u/jew ghal ghanijiet ta’ pubblicità ta’ servizzi tal-ospitant u l-imsiehba tieghu.
1.5. All personal data will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Data Protection Act (Cap 586). Any Data Protection issues including rights of access within may be addressed to / Id-data personali kollha se tkun ipprocessata skont ir-Regolament Generali dwar il-Protezzjoni tad-Data (UE) 2016/679 u l-Att tal-Protezzjoni tad-Data (Kap 586). Kwalunkwe kwistjoni ta’ protezzjoni ta’ data inkluz d-dritt ta’ access tista’ tigi indirizzata permezz tal-indirizz elettroniku
1.6. You have the right to refer any Data Protection complaints to the Information and Data Protection Commissioner on / Ghandek id-dritt li tressaq ilmenti dwar protezzjoni ta’ data lill-Kummissarju tal-Informazzjoni u l-Protezzjoni tad-Data permezz tal-indirizz elettroniku
2. General Terms & Conditions / Termini u Kundizzjonijiet Generali
2.1. Purchasing of tickets implies the automatic acceptance of the venue’s house rules. / Ix-xiri tal-biljietti jimplika l-accettazzjoni awtomatika tar-regolamenti interni tal-post fejn qed tittella’ l-attività.
2.2. Patrons must be in possession of a valid ticket at all times that must be handed over for inspection by the Entity staff when requested. / Il-persuni li qed jattendu ghandu jkollhom pussess ta’ biljett validu l-hin kollu u meta jintalbu mill-istaff tal-entità ghandhom jghaddu l-biljetti taghhom ghal inspezzjoni.
2.3. Latecomers will only be admitted at a suitable point. Likewise patrons must accept that, if required to leave the location while the conference is in progress, they may not be allowed back inside the conference venue until an appropriate opportunity. / Persuni li jaslu tard jithallew jidhlu biss f’mumenti adekwati. Bl-istess mod, il-persuni li qed jattendu ghandhom jaccettaw, li jekk jehtiegu johorgu mil-lokazzjoni waqt li l-konferenza tkun ghaddejja, jithallew jidhlu lura fil-post tal-konferenza xhin tinstab opportunità propizja.
2.4. If an event is cancelled, the management will announce this at the venue and via the host’s social media. Cancellations cannot be communicated individually to patrons. / Jekk attività tigi kkancellata, it-tmexxija thabbar dan fil-post u permezz tal-midja socjali tal-ospitant. Kancellazzjonijiet ma jistghux jigu kkomunikati b’mod individwali lil min xtara l-biljetti.
2.5. Your security at the Entity is very important to us. Patrons must therefore observe the location’s safety and security regulations as advertised before an event or as otherwise indicated by the location’s staff. / Is-sigurtà tieghek fl-Entità hija importanti hafna ghalina. Ghalhekk ghandek tosserva r-regolamenti ta’ sikurezza u sigurtà tal-lokazzjoni kif imhabbra qabel l-attività jonkella kif indikat mill-istaff tal-lokalità.
2.6. Smoking (including the use of e-cigarettes) and eating (including chewing gum) are strictly prohibited within the precincts of the conference venue. / It-tipjip (inkluz is-sigaretti elettronici) u l-ikel (inkluz ic-chewing gum) huma strettament ipprojbiti madwar il-post tal-konferenza.