The animated award-winning play US/THEM, which sees brutal terrorism coinciding with child-like innocence, is coming to Strait Street this October. It is the first time that this eye-opening text will be performed in Malta. The piece retells the horrific events of 1 September 2004 – the first day of the scholastic year, or Russian ‘Knowledge Day’ – when a group of Chechen....

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Ticket sales finished!

Ticket sales for US/THEM unfortunately have now finished! The last day of this event was on Sunday 14-Oct-2018. Ticket sales ended at Sunday 14-Oct-2018 20:00.


The animated award-winning play US/THEM, which sees brutal terrorism coinciding with child-like innocence, is coming to Strait Street this October. It is the first time that this eye-opening text will be performed in Malta.

 The piece retells the horrific events of 1 September 2004 – the first day of the scholastic year, or Russian ‘Knowledge Day’ – when a group of Chechen terrorists stormed into a school in the small town of Beslan, taking 1,200 hostages. The siege lasted three days and the massacre left 334 dead, including 186 children.

 In this hour-long performance, two children (played by celebrated local actors Maria Buckle and Jacob Piccinino) conduct their mercurial movements across the stage, while scrupulously recalling their experiences. Written by Carly Wijs, it is a play that has turned heads on its past international tours, and which enjoyed a sell-out run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2016, before transferring to the National Theatre, London. US/THEM will be performed in English.