Ticket sales finished!

Ticket sales for Edgar Allan Paul // Noah tal-Karmaġenn @97 Notes unfortunately have now finished! The last day of this event was on Friday 26-Jan-2024. Ticket sales ended at Saturday 27-Jan-2024 00:00.


Edgar Allan Paul were born as a duo in early 2020, just before the pandemic. Based in Malta, they released their first album "Scappati di casa" the same year and debuted live as a five-piece band opening for local heroes Brikkuni. The following year they released the EP "Polvere e cemento" on Ultralow Music. After a line-up change, they are currently working on new material. Their music is an electroacoustic mix ranging from Battisti to Fugazi. Edgar Allan Paul are Mario Petraglia, Michele Benincasa, Nil Ramos, Caroline Spiteri and Daniel Cassar. 


Karmaġenn huwa proġett ta' Noah Fabri ma' diversi mużiċisti u artisti tax-xena. Inħareġ album bl-istess isem fl-2019, EP bl-isem Il-Ħsibijiet ta' Martina fl-2020, u t-tieni album, Urbanali, fl-2023. Il-lirika ħafna drabi ddur madwar il-ħajja urbana f'Malta kontemporanja. Għal dal-gig Noah u l-kitarra se jdoqqu bir-relax xi siltiet miż-żewġ albums.

Karmaġenn is an initiative of Noah Fabri collaborating with musicians from the local scene. The first album entitled "Karmaġenn" was launched in 2019, an EP in 2020 called "Il-Ħsibijiet ta' Martina" and finally "Urbanali" in 2023. The lyrics underline what goes on in everyday-life in the present Malta. Noah will be playing a solo set... bir-relax!